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secateur vin - Domaine Luneau Papin
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Organic and biodynamic agriculture

Respectful and sustainable agriculture       

In the 2000s Pierre-Marie assisted at a conference run by Pierre Masson – it was a revelation! How can you continue with a system of agriculture that does not take account of fundamental principles ? We started our organic viticulture using a hoe in the Butte de la Roche, a recently acquired vineyard, from which now comes Terre de Pierre and Gula-Ana. We stopped using systemic products in 2011.

tracteur vignes - Domaine Luneau Papin
vigne arrosage 2 - Domaine Luneau Papin

Certifications: Ecocert, Demeter and Biodyvin       

dessin vin - Domaine Luneau Papin

In 2013 we applied for the Ecocert certification for biodynamic viticulture, which we achieved in 2018.

In 2014 we took the first steps towards becoming biodynamic, which included buying a dynamiser made by Ecodyn.
Then in 2019 we asked for and received for the first time in the history of the domaine the Demeter and Biodyvin certifications. Recognition by our peers of both our philosophy and work is a great support and provides important ways of exchanging information and ideas.
Converting to organic viticulture has many different facets: the vines and other plants, of course, but also in the winery and in our relationship with the members of our team. Do they have the necessary skills and are they motivated by a real understanding of the project? The estate’s finances and its capacity to evolve in this direction in all aspects of production, the philosophy and marketing of the wine all have to be considered.

Working alongside Pierre and Monique has given us time and space to develop and shape our wine project. This ten-year collaboration was like having a safety net giving us time to take stock of the domaine and to choose what we needed to do in the vines, the winery, for the team and for ourselves.

Biodynamic agriculture is like a personal journey
and one that we share with our team and customers as a guiding foundation of our work.
Observation, attention to detail and questioning are the key words
of our agricultural practice today and in the future.

Share your tasting moments!

Identify @domaineluneaupapin in your photos and mention the #hashtag of the cuvée. We will present the best photos on our site.
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Phone: +33(0)2 40 06 45 27
3, La Grange – 44 430 Le Landreau – FRANCE

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